Dana Rongione

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The Joy of Giving

Yesterday, during my piano lessons, a couple of my students (who are brother and sister) reminded me of the joy of giving to others. I could tell when they arrived that they were excited about something, and it didn't take them long to tell me what had brought them such happiness. "We volunteered to help the Salvation Army make Christmas packages for needy families," they told me.

As they explained to me the process of choosing a needy family from the long list available at the Salvation Army, their eyes glowed with excitement. They went on to tell me how they basically get to shop for each member of the family and come up with a certain combination of outfits, toys, books, etc. The more they spoke, the louder their voices became. By the end of their tale, they were literally bouncing off their chairs, barely able to contain their excitement. And all I could think is 'Wow!'

We live in a day and age of greed and selfishness. I've seen people get that excited about shopping for themselves, but never for someone else. These children were literally thrilled to spend their time giving to someone else. How many of us can say the same?

I think the world would be a much better place if we could all find that joy of giving. After all, isn't that what this season is about? God gave His Son. Jesus gave His life. What have we given? It's something worth thinking about!

Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver.
II Corinthians 9:7