Dana Rongione

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Thanks for Your Concern

I've received a couple of phone calls over the past couple of days. They were from some of my loved ones who were checking up on me after reading my last few blog entries. You have no idea how much your concern touches me.

We all go through times in our Christian journey when it seems like we're traveling in the dark. No map! No flashlight! No aid! The way before us looks twisted and gloomy, and we find ourselves crying, "It's just too hard, God. It's just too hard." If you've never been there, I'm sure you will be at some point along your journey.

I have just come through one of those dark patches. It wasn't really one thing in particular that was "wrong," but it was a combination of things that made me question myself and even God. Several events and circumstances led me to the place where I was ready to give up on the journey. The phrase "weary in well doing" had become my motto.

Things are looking better now. There are still some issues that I am dealing with, but the Lord is helping me. I can see a light at the end of the tunnel, and though the way still looks tough, I know that I am not alone. I've known that all along, but it's amazing how disoriented and forgetful we can become when we are going through the fire.

The Lord has promised to be with me always, and I know He always keeps His word. Your phone calls and e-mails have reminded me that I have your prayers with me as well. Thanks for the reminder!

I apologize if I scared some of you with my posts about my trials, but I really felt the Lord wanted me to share what I was going through. Why? Maybe so you would pray. Maybe to help someone else who was going through a similar trial? I don't know the reason, but God does. That's one point that God is trying to get me to understand. He sees the entire picture, therefore, He knows best. If I can wrap my brain around that, I'll be in pretty good shape.

Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.
James 5:16