Dana Rongione

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What a Day!

Have you ever had one of those days? You know, the kind where you just want to eat your chocolate cake and go back to bed. Today--or more specifically--this morning was one of those days. I got up early to make sure I wasn't late for my doctor's appointment. I left the house 30 minutes before my 10:00 appointment even though it only takes 15 minutes to get there. It was a good thing I left early.

Before I go any further, allow me to point out to those of you who may not know that I am horrible with directions. I get lost in the mall. (I wish I were making that up.) I know one way to get to the doctor's office. One way! That's it. Unfortunately, one of the roads that I needed to reach my destination was closed. Instant panic! I got out my GPS. It redirected me to where I basically turned myself in a circle and ended up back at the same "Road Closed" sign. (What good are those things anyway!) I grabbed my cell phone and called Jason. As the phone was ringing, I looked down at the clock on the dash--9:45.

My loving husband pulled up a map on his computer at work and patiently navigated me around the closed road. (It didn't help that some of the roads I came to were not on his map. Who's responsible for that anyway? I'd like to talk with them.) I pulled into the parking lot at 9:58. Jason's final words to me were "Breathe, Dana, breathe."

I left the doctor's office at 11:00 (record time), and immediately called Jason. "I don't know how to get home." He laughed, then guided me back to familiar territory. Once there, I decided to pick us up some lunch since he was starving and I was just in the mood to eat.

The trip to the store was amazingly quick, but on my way to drop off Jason's lunch at his work, I came across . . . you guessed it--"Road Closed." You have got to be kidding me!!!! I called Jason back, reminded him how thankful I was to work from home, and promised that after dropping off his lunch I was going home for good. The day has greatly improved since then.

So, what was the point of all that. In the book of Psalms, David says, "This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it." It's hard to say that on days like today. However, as I study that Psalm, I can't help but notice that it doesn't say, "If things go our way, we will rejoice and be glad in it."

In other words, as Christians, every day should be a good day. Why? Because we've been redeemed! And, in eternity, the streets of gold will never be closed, so what does it matter down here?