Dana Rongione

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My New Book

This morning I finished the outline for my new book entitled "A Path to Choose." It is an allegorical tale of two men who come to a fork in the road of life and are forced to make a decision of which road to take. They each take a different road, depicting the path to follow Christ and the path to follow Satan. Each man finds joy and difficulty in his journey, but only one has a constant help and companion.

I've been chewing on this story idea for a while, but it is amazing to me how quickly the pieces all fell into place. I spent so long working on my first book that I was actually dreading starting this one. But, now that I've begun, I am so excited. I believe God will use this book to bring souls to a saving knowledge of Him, and I am thrilled that He would allow me to have a part in such a noble undertaking.

If all goes well, I hope to be sending this book to the publishers within the next few months. Please help me pray that the Lord will give me the words to write and that I will hear his still small voice.