Dana Rongione

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Too Much Knowledge?

Do you ever feel like your brain can't possible handle anymore information? That's where I am right now. In trying to "find my place" in the writing world, I have been studying every writing-related book I can get my hands on. All of the information has been useful, but I'm beginning to feel an information overload!

So, why can't I stop? I just found two chapters of an e-course that I had taken. For some reason, these chapters didn't make it into the notebook with the rest of them. What was my response when I found them? Oh no, not more? Nope! Just the opposite. "Oh, look. I missed some. I need to read these as soon as possible."

I guess you could call it the "writer's sickness." The only thing a writer loves to do more than write is READ! Anything, everything. It doesn't matter. If we can gain knowledge (or maybe a story idea), we jump at the chance to pick up another book. Crazy? A little. But, I still say "I am fearfully and wonderfully made." (Psalm 139:14) God has made me just the way I am, and He is proud when I answer His call to be what He created me to be.

So, while it may seem strange to some, I'll keep cramming. After all, a little knowledge never hurt anyone.

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction.
Proverbs 1:7