The Creeping Danger of Unresolved Conflicts

Can I vent for a minute, friends? I need to get this off my chest. Let me tell you about the computer problems I recently dealt with.

It all started after a routine software update. Suddenly, my computer refused to go to sleep. I checked all the settings and even tried to force it to sleep, but ultimately, it just wouldn't do it. And while it was annoying, it wasn't a big deal. But then, odd issues with my trackpad surfaced. The scroll wheel would spin, but the pages wouldn't move up or down until they finally jumped halfway down the page. At that point, things were becoming more frustrating.

The real fun began when screen elements started shifting themselves across the page. I'd be typing along and suddenly, the paragraphs would slowly creep sideways, shrinking my work space and causing my eyes to strain. This twitchy movement happened constantly, often ending in half my screen disappearing off the page. Good grief!

Needless to say, this crazy behaviour drove me nuts. Some days, getting work done felt nearly impossible. Pages would only partially load, links kept jumping under my cursor, and don't get me started on losing track of the mouse arrow!

I put up with these exponentially worsening troubles for weeks. Rebooting didn't help. Updates changed nothing. Help centres suggested everything from uninstalling apps to replacing hardware. But the issues persisted until suddenly, one day, my computer operated perfectly again.

Looking back, I shake my head at how those minor initial issues caused so much trouble in my life and workflow. That slow-creeping screen drift seemed especially fitting. At first, it was just a slight nuisance, but it quickly snowballed into a significant frustration.

You know, troubles in life are much the same, friends. Anger and conflict can slowly creep into our relationships if left unaddressed. Though minor initially, bitterness builds over time, obscuring clarity and straining connections.

As Ephesians 4:26 advises, "Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath:" In other words, address disputes promptly before irritation takes root. Don't let stifled annoyances pile up over days and weeks, obstructing fellowship and straining relationships.

Unlike my computer glitch, which was out of my hands, the solution to our bitterness lies within our control. By God's grace, we can actively uproot anger through repentance, forgiveness, and open communication. Of course, mending rifts takes humility and courage. But harbouring hidden hostility breeds destruction.

As I waited anxiously for some external update to fix my crazy computer and creeping screen, I often wondered if a solution would ever come. Thankfully, relief arrived before I pulled all my hair out. Friends, don't allow your tensions to simmer to the point that they choke your joy. Don't stuff your feelings; deal with them. With Spirit-led courage, face conflicts head-on. Peace awaits on the other side as we walk in grace and truth. The healing may come gradually, but come it will. What a relief!

Now, if you'll excuse me, I must apologize to my computer for all the mean things I've said to it (and about it) over the past few weeks.


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