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From Bad to Worse
Comfort, Encouragement, weariness Dana Rongione Comfort, Encouragement, weariness Dana Rongione

From Bad to Worse

As Jason and I drove toward our house after the lovely ladies' retreat last week, we were surprised to see freshly painted white lines on our street. As I mentioned in a recent post, our quiet little road had been under construction, and it looked like the workers had finally finished up Stage One, leaving behind a gravelly, dusty mess. Gazing out the car window, I couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. The road was still rough and gravelly, and the freshly painted lines seemed to mock me as we bumped along. Evidently, Stage Two (the painting of the lines) was also the completion of the project.

"Honestly," I muttered to Jason, "I think the road was better before they started all this construction. What was the point?"

Jason just chuckled and patted my hand. "Sometimes, Dana, things have to get worse before they can get better."

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Ripple Effects

Ripple Effects

King Josiah. Now, here was a man of unwavering faith and determination. He was a true leader, always striving to align himself with God’s will and to guide his people in the right direction. He fearlessly dismantled the false idols and restored the temple to its rightful state. And you know what? For a time, the nation was rejuvenated. The people returned to the worship of the one true God, and it seemed like Josiah’s reign was a turning point for the land.

But then, as often happens in life, things took a turn for the worse. After Josiah's death, the people returned to their old ways, worshipping false gods and ignoring the commands of the Lord. It's enough to make a person feel like all their hard work was for nothing.

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