I Know Thy Works

Today, we will dive into the book of Revelation and explore the significance of the phrase "I know thy works" repeatedly mentioned throughout the book. This phrase is a powerful reminder that God sees and understands every aspect of our lives, both the good and the bad.

First, let's take a look at what the phrase actually means. "I know thy works" is a statement that appears in each letter written to the seven churches in Revelation 2-3. This phrase is an acknowledgment from Jesus to the churches that He has observed their actions and behaviors. This phrase is not just a simple acknowledgment of the churches' efforts but also a reminder that God knows the motivations and intentions behind their actions.

For us, this phrase is a reminder that God sees everything we do. Whether we are doing good or bad, God knows our actions, thoughts, and hearts. This can be both a comfort and a challenge. Knowing that God sees our good deeds can be encouraging, as we know that our efforts are not in vain. On the other hand, the knowledge that God sees our evil deeds can be convicting, as we are reminded that we are not perfect and need His grace and forgiveness.

However, it is essential to note that this phrase is not just about what we do but also about who we are. God sees not just our actions but also our hearts and intentions. This means that even if we appear to be doing good deeds, our efforts will not please God if our hearts are not in the right place.

So, what can we do with this knowledge? First, we can take comfort in knowing God sees and understands us. We do not have to hide our flaws and imperfections from Him, as He already knows them (and some of us aren't great at hiding things). Instead, we can approach Him with our struggles and ask for His help and guidance.

Second, we can use this phrase as a reminder to examine our hearts and motivations. Are we doing good deeds for the right reasons, or are we seeking recognition or approval from others? Are we serving God out of love and obedience, or are we simply going through the motions? By examining our hearts, we can ensure that our actions are pleasing to God and not just to ourselves or others.

Finally, we can take comfort in the fact that God's knowledge of us is not limited to our actions and thoughts now. He also knows our past, present, and future. This means that even when we fail, God sees the potential for growth and change in us. He sees the person we can become and is always working to transform us into His image. As the old gospel song said, He doesn't throw the clay away!

In conclusion, "I know thy works" is a powerful reminder that God sees and understands every aspect of our lives. It is a comfort to know that we do not have to hide our flaws and imperfections from Him and a challenge to examine our hearts and ensure that our actions are pleasing to Him. Let us strive to live our lives with integrity, knowing God sees and understands us every moment.


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