Last week, we received a long-awaited response from the UK government concerning the appeal set forth by our sponsors. The news wasn't good. The request was denied, and our sponsors' license was revoked. What does this mean for us? From the time of that decision, we have 60 days to set up a new sponsorship and get a new visa or leave the country. You know those rollercoaster rides at amusement parks? Yep, that's exactly how our emotions have been taking us for a spin lately. Anxiety, stress, and frustration have been our not-so-friendly companions during this journey.

But amid it all, we've found solace in the book of Exodus. Remember how God led the Israelites out of Egypt? It's like a biblical tale of His awe-inspiring skills, taking care of His people's visa to the Promised Land! Alright, maybe not exactly, but you get the gist!

In Exodus 14:14, the Bible reminds us, "The Lord shall fight for you, and ye shall hold your peace." I'm no expert in ancient battles, but picture this: God's got our back like a superhero protecting the city. He sees the big picture, the grand plan, and He's not about to leave us stranded at the mercy of bureaucratic red tape.

Just like the Israelites had to deal with the Red Sea drama, our deadline waves are crashing around us. But hey, have you ever seen the Lord in panic mode? Me neither! He's cool, calm, and all-powerful. So, we'll take a cue from His playbook and stay calm, too (or at least try to remain calm).

Remember Joseph from Genesis? His life was a topsy-turvy rollercoaster too! From the pit to the palace, his story teaches us that God has this incredible knack for turning things around for good, even in the most demanding situations. Genesis 50:20 says, "But as for you, ye thought evil against me; but God meant it unto good, to bring to pass, as it is this day, to save much people alive."

Isn't that mind-blowing? God can weave what others may have intended for harm into a masterpiece of goodness. So, as we trudge through the paperwork jungle, we'll trust that God's got a bigger picture in mind. This whole visa saga may pave the way for something greater than we can imagine!

In the meantime, this is our strategy for dealing with the many uncertainties we're facing:

1. Pray Like We Mean It: We intend to pour out our hearts to God. He's the best listener around and cares about the tiniest details of our lives and the big things, too.

2. Surround Ourselves with Support: We don't have to go through this alone! We can lean on our family, friends, and even our furry companion. We have people worldwide praying for us right now, and there's great comfort in that.

3. Find Joy in the Journey: Amidst the chaos, we're taking time to cherish the little joys and blessings sprinkled along the way.

4. Look Back on God's Faithfulness: We're choosing to remember those times when God came through for us in the past. Holding on to those memories will fuel our faith.

Even in chaos, God's got a plan, and His rescuing hand is ready to lead us to a place of hope and promise. In the meantime, let's keep the faith, keep our sense of humour intact, and remind ourselves that we're not alone in this adventure. Let's expect the unexpected and believe that God's about to do something marvellous!

PS If you've got any encouraging stories or Bible verses to share, drop them in the comments below. Let's spread hope and positivity! 💛🙏


Daring To Hope Again


Changing Lives With a Caring Heart