Lately, I've been dreaming about being a superhero. Wouldn't it be amazing to fly through the sky or lift a bus over our heads? To run faster than a speeding bullet or be invisible? Or to read an entire novel in the blink of an eye? Who wouldn't want superpowers like that?

While we may not be able to shoot laser beams from our eyes or scale tall buildings, we can still be superheroes in our everyday lives. No, I'm not talking about building your secret base or wearing your underwear on the outside of your tights. I'm not even talking about donning a mask. Instead, I'm referring to using the gifts God has given us to make a difference and spread His love.

According to Proverbs 16:32, "He that is slow to anger is better than the mighty; and he that ruleth his spirit than he that taketh a city." Whoa! According to this verse, having self-control makes us more powerful than someone with super strength. Sorry, Superman, but it looks like temperance trumps your muscles!

You see, even though we can't pick up cars or leap tall buildings, we can choose to control our anger. And in God's eyes, taming our temper makes us heroes. It takes great power to rule our spirit and be slow to get upset. So, while we may not have rippling biceps or a vice-like grip, exercising patience, self-control, and forgiveness makes us strong in a different way.

We can also tap into kindness as a superpower. When we set aside the time to genuinely listen to someone who is hurting, it's like we are rescuing them with compassion. Or when we help a neighbour in need, it's as if we are saving the day through service. Our caring words and selfless actions allow us to make a difference, one person at a time.

By choosing joy and praising God during hard times, we become invincible against life's troubles. Our faith empowers us to withstand any difficulty or sorrow that comes our way. Through Christ, we can smile and lift our voices no matter what storms we face. So, while we can't fly or become invisible, we can be overcomers through the incredible power of praise!

Now, these powers aren't as flashy as laser vision or super speed, and we're not likely to be featured on the front page of the Daily Planet anytime soon. But through the Holy Spirit, we have everything we need to overcome evil and make the world brighter. We may stumble sometimes, but God believes in us and knows we can reflect His light.

So the next time you wish to be a superhero, remember, you can be! Let's use our gifts to glorify God and spread His heroic love everywhere we go. This world needs the hope and power we have through Christ. And by living for Him, we can save the day, one act of love at a time.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to rescue my pup from her supply of boundless energy by taking her for a walk. A superhero's work is never done!


Stirring Up the Soul


Lukewarm Faith