Some Days, It's the Little Things

We’ve hit full-on summer here in Wales. This week, the temperatures range from 72 to 80 degrees, which is quite warm for this area. I used to laugh at those who talked about how hot it was at these temperatures since I was used to SC summers of 100 degrees and more. But, my body has adapted to the cooler climate of Wales because this weather feels quite warm to me. It’s beautiful, but a bit toasty, especially since most places (including ours) have no air conditioning.

Still, each day I find more to be thankful for. For example, the bug population here is nothing like it was in the area I grew up. At this point, I wouldn’t even be able to go outside without getting stung by bees, chewed up by mosquitoes, or pestered to death by gnats. Yup, in the south, summer and bugs go hand in hand.

But, here, the bugs aren’t bad at all. We are surrounded by farms, but there are no mosquitoes, gnats, or other pests. So far, I haven’t been stung or bitten by a single critter. For me, this is huge. For some reason, bugs love me—love to chew on me, that is.  And while I enjoy spending time outside, it loses much of its appeal when insects are bombarding me. So, thank you, Lord, for the lack of bugs here in Wales!

All that being said, the summer heat has brought out the flies. So many flies. Of course, with no air conditioning, we leave the windows open to allow the breezes through the house. But the windows don’t have screens and are designed so that screens aren’t possible. So, each day, we have to choose heat or flies.

So far, we’ve chosen to deal with the flies each day. The breezes are just too lovely to pass up. But, I admit there are times these crazy flies make me think I’m going to lose my mind. They seem to have absolutely no sense of personal space. They crawl all over everything and buzz constantly. Do you know how annoying it is to watch TV while a fly crawls around on the character’s face? Seriously distracting!

Sometimes, I find myself saying, “It’s only a fly. It’s not a big deal. It’s just a bug, Dana. Get over it and get on with life.” But despite my pep talk, I become increasingly annoyed with their invasion of my home and privacy. They might be tiny, but their presence has caused a significant disruption in my daily groove.

Oh, friends, so often it’s the little things that wear us down, isn’t it? Sure, there are big crises, giant trials, and major battles. These things take their toll. But, we often overlook how much the pesky little problems day after day chip away at our spirit and dampen our mood. Many times, we don’t realize how fed up we are until that last straw hits our back, and then Heaven help anyone who might be in our way.

Jason and I have adopted a few new daily routines to keep the flies to a minimum. Each morning, we sprinkle clove oil on the window sills. We also fill up the many diffusers around the house with a blend of clove, peppermint, eucalyptus, lavender, and lemongrass oils. Throughout the day, we do our best to make sure any food messes are cleaned up promptly and the counters wiped down thoroughly with some essential oils. We also keep fly swatters on hand and exterminate any critters who push their luck. While these practices haven’t kept the flies out altogether, they have kept the invasion to a minimum.

Likewise, there are daily routines we can implement to keep the pesky problems of life from invading our peace and sanity. Each morning, we can begin our day with the Lord. Some quiet time with Him not only stills our troubled minds but also gives us strength to face whatever the day may hold.

When I get worked up over something, I like to quote some Scripture or sing a song. Mind you, not just any Scripture or song, but something that speaks to my situation. For example, when those devious thoughts of insecurity start tugging at my soul, I quote Romans 8:37 and sing the old gospel song, “I’m an Overcomer.”

Lastly, we can make sure we’re not stuffing away hard feelings. This leads to disaster! Yes, I know it can be messy to go to someone and tell them something they said or did hurt your feelings, but the alternative is deadly. Instead of dealing with it, those of us who don’t like confrontation tend to stuff our feelings down. We sweep them under the rug. But guess what—they’re still there, festering and growing. And eventually, we run out of places to stuff them, and they all come spilling out at once. Not a pretty thing, trust me! It would be like ignoring the flies for days or weeks and then dealing with the infestation. It’s overwhelming. If someone has hurt you—whether intentionally or not—tell them. Be kind but be straight with them. Don’t let it build up to resentment.

Yes, little things can become big things, but if we implement a few simple practices, we can prevent those little things from taking over. And when we’re not overwhelmed by the little things, we’ll find the time and strength to focus on the big stuff—the things that truly matter.

“Lord, thou wilt ordain peace for us: for thou also hast wrought all our works in us. ”

— Isaiah 26:12


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